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Dean Jones

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  1. Fortunate to have had work that I was/am passionate about
  2. No mood swings. Just my usual grumpy self 😄 No rashes either Dizziness just after the shot, plus slightly higher BP that was attributed to the heat. Rested a while, then drove home
  3. At best I'm probably only 60% effective online vs face-to-face classroom sessions.
  4. Reconnected recently with an ex from way back when I heard that she was unwell. I found out from her daughter that she has stage 4 cancer and is now under her care. We're in touch everyday thru Messenger. Sent her flowers on her birthday March 1. So sad. BTW, she never married
  5. Parties/Family gatherings with lots of hugging Drinking with HS buddies Travel and I never I thought I'd say this: getting up in the morning, quick breakfast, shower, get dressed, and drive to work! Working from home sucks
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