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About Me

Found 14 results

  1. Do you let your partner read your private messages? Please don't forget to answer the survey, thanks!
  2. Thread started by devil_lance on 26 September 2005 - 11:42 AM Try to finish the sentence by connecting your own stories, may it be you or your partner's fault. One liners will also do. Let's all share them here to serve as a lesson to others. Go!
  3. Thread started by D King on 25 September 2014 - 12:18 PM Having a fever today...
  4. Thread started by yze Posted 18 September 2003 - 10:31 AM Hi just like to open this thread for us guys on which would we prefer to have as our girl. Do you prefer yung maputi/tisay or chinita or yung black beauty(exotic?) or morena/kayumanggi? Tall, petite, slim, volup, heavy or athletic? Feel free to air your sides here.
  5. Do you keep track of the "Ones That Got Away"? Where are they now? Someday they might get a chance to read this thread. Any message?
  6. Thread started by Alex_Corvis on 12 December 2015 - 07:32 PM Tama na ang pick up lines! Unleash your inner Popoy and Basha "Madaldal nga ako, pero tumatahimik din pag nasaktan" - nabasa ko sa toilet sa SM North
  7. Thread started by Larry on 30 April 2007 - 02:15 PM 1) I love you2) no really I do3) I'll be ready in 10 minutes4) your ass doesn't look fat in those jeans5) that shirt doesn't make you look gay6) I've never done that before7) it won't hurt I promise (original content truncated) now you go
  8. Thread started by iwalkalone on 06 June 2006 - 03:03 PM Do you miss me? Do you love me? If i court you...do i stand a chance?
  9. Thread started by russel33 on 24 April 2003 - 01:11 PM Feminists Stay away from feminists. She will likely disagree with you on everything, and refuse to let you get a word in. Overly opinionated and vocal women Avoid women that are overly assertive with their ideas and feelings. It's nice when your woman speaks her mind and lets you know what she wants, but if she keeps pounding it into your head, it will eventually get on your nerve. Women who use sex as a weapon The worst. They use lovemaking as a bargaining tool.
  10. Thread started by chelly on 18 February 2005 - 08:58 PM Okay...okay...i know it's sappy but then we all learned something about love and being in love...or letting go of one...what has it taught you?Me? I have learned to let go of the one person I love in all my life...he needs to grow...he needs to mature...and he needs to do that without me. Believe me it's not easy...it is the most painful thing I have done and currently going through...but the fact that I do it because I love him makes it feel worthwhile.Another lesson is that if you truly love someone...more than setting him free...forgive him and wish him well.You will forever be missed...take care...wherever you may be.
  11. Have you searched for your Ex on Facebook? How is he/she? Can you still remember your last moments with him/her? Tell us about it. You really shouldn't be affected by now. Maybe he/she is just waiting for your friend request 🙂
  12. At 45 I Dreamed of Death (2019 Marc 22) At 45 the universe connected with me through my dreams, told me to hold you tight. In my dreams I saw the planet killer, devourer of life, ender of hope, the apocalypse in the form of a giant space rock. The radio said we had 2 minutes left but death pummelled through the clouds earlier than expected. I don't think it mattered. No length of time is enough to say goodbyes. We were at the top of Antipolo overlooking Ortigas. At first it was slow, beautiful almost to behold. Without warning the huge object accelerated and disintegrated buildings throwing pieces of the earth to the heavens, and then I finally realised that our love has come to an end. You were strong you faced the end, I turned my back and embraced you one last time. I said mahal na mahal kita, Love. But the pain never came. It was dark and cold, I saw stars.
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