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Kilroy Washere

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Kilroy Washere last won the day on March 23 2022

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  1. Medyo iba ang itsura mo.sa black hair ... never been tempted to go back?
  2. any uncooked or undercooked mammal or fowl
  3. 1. Sukiyaki (home made) 2. Sans Rival (Conti's) 3. Lechon Manok (not particular about branding)
  4. Getting (back) on MTC2 was a bit tricky.  Had to key in everything manually, and use the current display name instead of the account name.  The saved logon info also had to be erased and retyped, otherwise it wouldn't let me in.  I think I've gotten the hang of it, though.

    It also looks like this, and the last activity dates from late May.  Good to be back there.

  5. Narnia, Hardy Boys, local NBS compilations of Marvel titles
  6. Sa tingin ko lang, the industry is still in the doldrums or a holding pattern. The removal from the scene of a major broadcast studio and the chilling effect of the pandemic have much to do with this. I also think that when the country starts picking itself up, the entertainment industry will follow. But they won't lead the way, because they are subject to the same forces and conditions as the rest of us. The last movie I saw that put a good faith effort on excellence was Goyo. It wasn't perfect, but it hit all the points it wanted to make. Its big shortcoming is also one it shares with many works of cinema or literature, in that it tries to speak for everyone, for all time. It would have been much better imho if it just identified its particular p.o.v. and defended it successfully. Or maybe that was the point they wanted to make in the first place. Pasong Tirad was a heroic effort, but ultimately a failed defense.
  7. My favorite is still Subaru for the 6th year running. But am seriously considering BMW for the next one.
  8. Insurance and updated papers, emergency road kit and tools, +1 on insurance, +1 on ppe and personal hygiene supplies, 1 day's meds if you are on maintenance, smart phone
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