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MedUSA last won the day on July 30 2022

MedUSA had the most liked content!


About MedUSA

  • Birthday March 23

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  1. I really wanted that Voltron set 😞 For the Lego nerds out there... Lego Voltron was designed by a Filipino. The winning creation was then globally licensed by Lego. I met the guy who designed the Voltron set in one of the Lego events in the Philippines.
  2. Dàjiā hǎo

  3. Penny Tai - Ni Yao De Ai Sui ran jing chang meng jian ni Hai shi hao wu tou xu Wai mian zheng zai xia zhe yu Jing tian shi xing qi ji But I don't know ni qu na li Sui ran bu ceng huai yi ni Hai shi tan te bu ding Ohh Shui shi ni de na ge wei yi Yuan liang wo huai yi zi ji Chorus Wo ming bai Wo yao de ai Hui ba wo chong huai Xiang yi ge xiao hai Zhi dong zai ni huai li huai Ni yao de ai Bu zhi she yi lai Yao xiang ge da nan hai Feng chui you ri sai Sheng huo zi you zi zai Sui ran bu ceng huai yi ni Hai shi tan te bu ding Shui shi ni de na ge wei yi Yuan liang wo huai yi zi ji Chorus Wo ming bai Wo yao de ai Hui ba wo chong huai Xiang yi ge xiao hai Zhi dong zai ni huai li huai Ni yao de ai Bu zhi she yi lai Yao xiang ge da nan hai Feng chui you ri sai Sheng huo zi you zi zai Wo ming bai Wo yao de ai Hui ba wo chong huai Xiang yi ge xiao hai Zhi dong zai ni huai li huai Ni yao de ai Bu zhi she yi lai Yao xiang ge da nan hai Feng chui you ri sai Sheng huo zi you zi zai
  4. Stupid Love by Salbakuta ?
  5. Mom! Are you sure this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me!
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