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Viola last won the day on April 24 2023

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About Viola

  • Birthday February 5

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  1. Started chatting with someone over a dating app. He thinks im such a great catch. Then he asked me, "You are smart, and funny. You like sports, you like gaming. You are independent. You got your shit figured out. How come such a great girl like you remained single for this long?"

    When i was in my 20s, i would answer Im career-focused and men will still pursue 

    Now, i just answered him, "Maybe because Im fat". 

    He asked,"How fat?" 

    I answered, "like xxl fat".

    Within a few minutes, ive been unmatched.

    Now, im on a diet. Been doing this for 3 weeks now. Not on a diet to get guys though. On a diet because i want to wear a crop top shirt again. 

    1. Nightwriter


      @Sofia I hope you'll find the right man for you, why stick with 'national' when you can  go ' international' ? Have you tried going out on a date with an American or a European? There  are a lot of good men out there, filipino man or not. 

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