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Storm Trooper

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Storm Trooper last won the day on December 24 2021

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  1. Here's a song to hopefully keep you going until we've cleared this pandemic.

    Magkakasama Tayong Muli by Suzara


    1. Nightwriter


      @Storm Trooper Really cute song! Thanks for suggesting this! ❤️

  2. 11:13 PM Sat. 10 Jul.

    T minus 5 minutes until the last kettle of drinking water boils ...


    1. Viola


      Just get a water heater and filter already. Dont slave over that day after day.

    2. Storm Trooper

      Storm Trooper

      He he he ... Not possible yet given the pandemic.  Water supply from the kitchen sink is the only feasible water source and lots of work need to be done to get it set up.  

      Currently boiling between 4 to 5 kettles of water a day.  Around 22 minutes per kettle.  I'm the water boy at home.  😃

  3. The absence of an updated list of Philippine citizens with relevant details especially banking related is one of the reasons we're stuck with the system of people having to physically go out to get government financial assistance. Plain inefficient and dangerous in a pandemic environment. The concept of a community pantry's OK, but some people have started putting meaning into the project and that have caught the attention of those in government, who are itching to red tag. As much as everybody's entitled to their own opinion, this is one instance wherein it's best that they should have shut themselves up and promote the concept.
  4. Covid 19 doesn’t rest nor should the people behind securing the vaccines for the country.

    Would the “powers that be” consider working 24 / 7 at least until we’ve secured the vaccines?

    From how I understand it, the Covd 19 Vaccination Program Act and paper work relating to emergency use authorization are among the things holding up vaccine shipment. Let’s work on these and other related matters 24 / 7.

    Billions have been allocated for the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act 2. Maybe some of the said funds could be allocated for this endeavor.

    1. Do Better

      Do Better

      So gentle. 😀

  5. If I'm not mistaken, the total debt stock has reached its current level because of the borrowings of multiple administrations. Economic managers of the current administration has stated that the debt level is manageable and I hope they're right about it. This country has potential. If we play our cards right, paying off the debt shouldn't be a problem.
  6. 2:32 PM Sat. 13 Feb.

    Beef price list has been fixed.  Chicken & pork price lists remain.  

    Chicken prices would be ridiculously high due to availability issues.  < sigh >

  7. I wish the government would make food self - sufficiency a national policy.

    Nothing against importers.

    1. Angel


      If the government people doesn't make money from "food self sufficiency" that won't happen. On the left hand you have millions, on the right hand you have self sufficiency. The choice is clear. 

  8. 12:03 AM Sat. 06 Feb.

    Working while Bloomberg on cable TV keeps me company.

    Hopefully my meat shop would reverse it's loss last month.  

    1. Angel


      I do not understand why the prices of pork and other farm products went up. I did not do any research. But shouldn't the law of supply and demand take effect? Or was this price increase artificial?

    2. Storm Trooper

      Storm Trooper

      I guess it depends on who you get in touch with regarding the causes of the price spike.

      From communicating with multiple suppliers, it's a supply issue; thus the prices have gone up.  

      African Swine Fever (ASF) decimated the pork population in Luzon.  With ASF not being under control, hog raisers are hesitant to repopulate.  Prices shot up.  People then shifted to chicken as a source of protein.  That strained supplies; thus, prices shot up as well.

      We live in ... interesting ... times.  

    3. Angel


      Thanks for the info

  9. Let's set aside the other issues being raised. Bottom line, officially, what are the reasons for the DND dissolving the agreement? UP should focus on answering those and nothing more. Anything that are not related to the official reasons, are just noise. Let's simplify the issue; otherwise, if we bring in so many "what if" situations into the discussion, nothing gets resolved.
  10. With all due respect, again ... we've blown this out of proportion. Like it or not, UP has to sit down with the DND to resolve this.
  11. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."
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