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Do Better

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Everything posted by Do Better

  1. Wear the You - Francis Magalona

  2. Launch Aborted at T-1.3 Raptor Engine malfunction
  3. Can you tell us a brief summary of your favorite book? Why do you like the book? Who's the author? What's his background?
  4. Sometimes there are messages that you just got to say out loud, or in this case write down. And these messages are "safer" if stored in a cool dry place. This is that place. And, like all secrets, it's always a thrill if there's a chance of it escaping in the wild.
  5. Originally posted by in_style on 01 May 2004 - 12:13 PM joy.... happiness... blessings... graces... gratitude... however u wanna call it! its the stuff that makes us smile and see the world in full color. from the moment you open your eyes in the morning till the time you head for bed at nite (or vice versa), there's so much to be thankful for. this thread hopes to share our joys and bless someone with our experiences - from the simplest things like a good weather or an sms from someone special to the biggest possible events in your life like winning the lottery or havin' a baby! i am hoping that this thread will inspire each one of us. perhaps, it can help us remember that in every door that closes, a window opens. no matter how difficult times are, we will go on and come out better and stronger. inspire someone.... and be inspired too!
  6. My father told me that my purpose in life was to serve God. What's your purpose?
  7. You travelled back 5 years into the past. What would you say to yourself? Will you reassure yourself? Will you be hard on yourself?
  8. Did the pandemic proved to be beneficial to the well equipped, and a pain to the poor? Did your kids enjoy learning this school year? No haircuts, no uniforms, no traffic, etc... Was it a positive experience for the parents?
  9. Rules: Post your covers here We clap and applause ?
  10. They say that sharing the pain is the fastest way to heal. Here at Stars! sharing information is the norm. SHARE your cancer cure here! 🙂
  11. If you have questions regarding these matters just post them here.
  12. All your business ideas here. Or you might be looking for investors or partners, this thread is also for you.
  13. If you have questions regarding the Stock Market, just post it here. If you have ideas to share, you can also post it here.
  14. Are we an archipelago of recycled political surnames? Or are there new ones? Who are the ones to watch?
  15. Like most forum members here, my online personality is very different from my real world self. The internet gives us some sort freedom to be what we want.
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