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Angel last won the day on January 8 2021

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About Angel

  • Birthday January 30

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  1. Globally, as many as 4 in 10 consumers are now flexitarians, a trend primarily driven by the younger generation of conscious Gen Z and millennial shoppers whose influence will continue to grow over the next few years. A similar meat-free concept has been trialled out by fellow QSR giant KFC before, whose branch in Rotterdam in the Netherlands went a whole week without meat back in March 2020. For seven days, the KFC outlet worked with legacy meat alternative brand Quorn to offer customers a chicken-free version of all its classic menu items. Like Burger King, KFC has been betting big on the plant-based trend as well and most recently forged a long-term agreement with food tech giant Beyond Meat to begin co-developing a number of plant-based proteins over the next few years. Beyond Meat has also landed a three-year deal with McDonald’s, the world’s biggest QSR chain, a strong signal that veganism has well and truly made it into the mainstream.
  2. Burger King has a branch in Germany that only sells vegetarian food. This was in partnership with Unilever's The Vegetarian Butcher. https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/worlds-first-plant-based-burger-king-opens-doors-flexitarianism-goes-mainstream/
  3. I will stay with you until the rays come through 


  4. The name of the drug is Semaglutide (generic name). Brand names are Ozempic and Rybelsus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaglutide There's also a version that can be taken orally.
  5. There’s now a weekly injected prescription drug that reduces appetite resulting in 20% weight loss in a span of months. Weight reduction is comparable to weight reduction procedures such as liposuction. Here’s the link
  6. Your life before the pandemic struck. What do you miss most? Do any moments stand out to you? Do you have any videos or photos that you want to share? Is there anything from your pre-pandemic life that you feel you took for granted? Are there things that you might appreciate more after the pandemic ends? I'm teary-eyed actually.
  7. The first photo is Begonia, the second photo is Adenium or Desert Rose
  8. Fresh carrot juice for the weekend! Let's all be nice to our bodies by consuming healthy stuff.
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