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Sad Flyer

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Sad Flyer last won the day on June 27 2023

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  1. Another old photo that I really liked. It's a close up of one of the angels on top of the QC monument.
  2. One of my favorite photos, using my old drone many, many years ago. Back when flying was still unrestricted. But now with all the drone rules, this shot is no longer legally allowed.
  3. When you stop watching gadget reviews on YouTube. You’ve lost track of the latest drone or action cameras. Ano na ba ang latest Sony camera?
  4. The sky waits for her drone. 


  5. Happy birthday Kaori!

  6. I miss going to malls and looking at people while drinking coffee. Akala ko hindi ko ma miss pero, ngayon nalulungkot ako pag naalala ko ang Megamall, and MRT na siksikan, ang Ortigas na madaming tao naglalakad... hhhaaayyyy When this pandemic is over I promise I will not complain about crowds.
  7. The new DJI FPV Drone made me happy today. 😀 Menacingly beautiful design!
  8. The anti-vaccine thinking is no longer exclusive to the elite. People are starting to prefer specific brands driving vaccine prices up. The whole world is now controlled by the banks and the pharmas. Twitter is also an example of information control.
  9. -80% Off SurfShark needs a copywriter with some math skills 🙂


    Screen Shot 2021-02-20 at 11.13.04 AM.png

  10. Drone 3 I got this drone on a December but never really wasnt able to fly it outside. I live in the city and I don't want to fly over people and houses. I was only able to fly this on a January. On my first high speed pass I flew straight to a tree. The props caught the small branches and stopped the motors. The drone fell straight to the concrete pavement and broke the front part of the nose and the camera. That was on the first battery, within 3 minutes of maiden flight. I had to send in for repairs and I had to wait until April. Totally missed the family March summer vacation, drats! Good thing Drone 2 was there to save March!
  11. But I'm a stats guy. How do we move forward with this discussion? If you disarm me by calling my numbers baseless, ano pa pag uusapan natin?You were triggered when I said that conspiracy theorists magnified insignificant data to further their cause. Let's start from there. Don't forget that conspiracy theorists said that exact same thing to pharmas during the start of the pandemic. It's nothing but common flu, the big pharmas are magnifying insignificant data to scare people. At this point you have to come up with the 1% to prove the fact that 65.6 million are in danger of dying (because of the vaxx) or else run the risk of discrediting yourself. Not my doing, your doing. I just point out inconsistencies. I'm just a numbers guy. What was that? Big pharmas scare people by highlighting insignificant data. Now its the conspiracy theorists turn to scare people by highlighting insignificant data?
  12. Look at real sheeps. They know nothing, they are content when there is grass, ignorance is bliss. The majority of the world is like that. Not everyone is like you and me. You study stuff and cure people. I study statistics and present it to people for them to realize truth. Nobody is calling you a doomsday prophet, nobody is calling you a fake healer. I understand the ridicule you and your kind of people go through in forums and social media, that's why you are sensitive about these topics. But this is neutral ground. You don't have to call people sheeps when they don't think like you do. We're all here happy to be with bright minds, we're thankful (blessed) you are here, to check and balance our ideas, to play the devils advocate, to stress test your concepts. I'm a science guy, you're a science guy. I love math, you love math. I love knowledge, you love knowledge. Talk to us as equals, were not sheeps. Now that we are equals... pare, asan na ang 1% direct fatalities from anti covid vaxx? Show to us the 650,000 side effects.
  13. I love DU30 but I will not vote for anyone in his camp anymore. I think the PH will vote for the mainstream politicians again. Much like what happened in the US.
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