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Miles Gonzalo Morales

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Miles Gonzalo Morales last won the day on May 16 2021

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  1. Haven't raged out as bad as I did last night. Obliterated a mouse in the process. Now, doing my moderator work in an online group reminded me that I really need a break from everything that I do, even for quite a bit.

    God, I hate dealing with stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightwriter


      I hope you’re in a far better mood for the next few days. I guess the lockdown has contributed to your frustration. 

    3. Viola


      I feel you. I hate dealing with stupid too.

    4. Miles Gonzalo Morales

      Miles Gonzalo Morales


      I hope you’re in a far better mood for the next few days. I guess the lockdown has contributed to your frustration. 

      Thanks, @Nightwriter. I'm hoping it'll be better by Friday as I'm meeting with someone to break the cycle.


      I feel you. I hate dealing with stupid too.

      Oh, yes, @Viola. If it were stupid on the other side of the globe, I'd be fine after a stick of nicotine but alas, it's domestic and even if I verbally air out my concerns, the recipient has a brain of a gerbil in terms of retention.

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