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Dedicated to the next generation, this blog will contain practical advice and reminders for husbands. You may post questions and I will try my best to answer.

Entries in this blog

At 45 I Dreamed of Death

At 45 I Dreamed of Death (2019 Marc 22) At 45 the universe connected with me through my dreams, told me to hold you tight. In my dreams I saw the planet killer, devourer of life, ender of hope, the apocalypse in the form of a giant space rock. The radio said we had 2 minutes left but death pummelled through the clouds earlier than expected. I don't think it mattered. No length of time is enough to say goodbyes. We were at the top of Antipolo overlooking Ortigas. At first it was slow, beauti

Do Better

Do Better in Love

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