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  1. While psychological incapacity may be a valid ground for annulment in your case; the same takes a really long time to resolve. Legal separation may be more to your liking unless you have every intent to marry again. As for the kids, note that any child 7 and below are always expected to stay with the mother as a general rule. It would need a preponderance of evidence to show that the mother is unfit to take care of your children
  2. VAWC Law can apply to your niece’s situation; children or minors do not and are not expected to have a romantic or sexual relationship with the assailant. In any case, a charge of physical injuries with aggravating circumstance of minority of the victim can also be files especially if the niece was being assaulted before she turned 18. Best to have her injuries inspected by a medico legal to support her filing of the criminal charges suggested above
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