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Good accounting makes good relationships. I remember my father in law, he always said this. This blog is about money and business, sometimes other stuff too 💄👩🏻‍🦰


Entries in this blog

BPI Merges With BPI Family Savings Bank

How many times have you walked into a BPI only to be told by the cashier (after a long line) that the account you want to transact is a Family Savings account? This will finally be a thing of the past! BPI will merge with its Savings version in a few weeks. FINALLY!  Here's the original article https://www.philstar.com/business/2021/01/20/2071807/bpi-sets-merger-thrift-arm-create-3rd-largest-bank   By Ian Nicolas Cigaral (Philstar.com) - January 20, 2021 - 8:04pm MANILA,

The Internet Superstar

The Internet Superstar in Banks

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