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Posts posted by Fapuccino

  1. On 1/15/2021 at 10:25 PM, C.Unicron said:

    I'm in my 30s and I'm still at the point in my life where I collect toys, play video games, watch cartoons/Animé, and read comic books/manga. Yes, I have a career, and I do have some plans for my future. Is this normal? Or is it ok, since I am living my life and I enjoy every minute of it.

    It's very much ok. I'm in my early 30's and I still do everything you listed.

    For as long as you are not causing harm to anyone : then don't let them dictate what you can or can't do.

    Personally - I'm sick of that line "You're too old of toons" from people who don't even know that the level of violence, obscenity, and anything adult-related on Anime vs your "live action" shows are very much the same (I mean, like, HENTAI, y'know?)

    Think of it this way : what show on local TV is out there really worth sitting in front of the TV for? It's all the same thing over-and-over : "Reality" Shows, "TeleDramas", "Variety Shows" ... at least Anime/ Super Hero show themes are broader. Anytthing special effects and a live person can't act out : the animator can draw.

    Keep it up 🙂

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